Saturday, May 25, 2019

Definition of VARK Learning style

A consumeing style is the way us humans ingest in cultivation, process, accumulate, and rec entirely it. Students take in and process information in different ways by seeing and hearing, reflecting and acting, reasoning logically and ostensibly, analyzing and visualizing, steadily and in fits and starts. VARK is commonly used learning style. It stands for visual, auditory, reading and writing, and kinesthetic learners. Summary of My Learning Style A multimodal study outline is a method used when you dumbfound more than one likeence that is discrete.It can also be when someone has no preferences to which study strategy they want to use. About 60% of the peoples study strategy is multimodal. Being multimodal means that you feel multiple strong points in areas such as aural, reading, and writing. Those who are multimodal are context reserved which means they can choose a single mode to suit the situation. On the other hand, there are others who are not satisfied until they have had input in all of the preferred styles. They take an extensive period to gather information but often have an immersed and expansive understanding.For example, when trying to figure out something that will be brought about physically later, learners that absorb information better hands on do better when trying out something for themselves. In addition, this visual factor assist students to reproduce information on a test better. Different Learning Styles Visual learners gain information from maps such as diagrams, graphs, and charts. They learn things best done seeing them. Instead of using wrangling, they penury the information to be broke down into pieces so it is simply to comprehend.They run away to highlight information in dissimilitude colors which makes it easier for them to go back and study. These learners need to see the teachers body language and facial expression to fully comprehend the composition of a lesson. They favor to prefer sitting at the front of the cla ssroom to avoid visual obstructions. A learner who consumes information from listening is an aural learner. In order for them to absorb information, they refer classes and discussions, discuss the topics with their peers, and can describe visuals to other people.By listening, they are able to mystify information. Aural learners are not able to take good notes and they have to read what they have on paper aloud to someone else. They perform well on a test if they spend time alone recalling ideas and oratory answers out loud or inside their head. Most people cant understand what people say unless its in their own words. auditory learners explicate the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone of voice, pitch, speed and other distinctions. Written information may have little meaning until it is heard.Learners who learn by reading and writing have a preference for information being delivered as words. After reading information, they have to write it down so they are ab le to grasp the material. They take in information from places like handouts, textbooks, notes, and glossaries. Powerpoints are a device that helps them summarize the information. They read information in books and the network and afterwards write the material they read into their own words. This helps them process and retain information wanter than just reading or listening.Kinesthetic learners use their senses to obtain material. Kinesthetic persons learn best through a hands-on approach, actively exploring the physical world around them. They find it hard to sit still for long periods and may become distracted by their need for activity and exploration. They take field trips, work with hands on activities, and use trial and error. They also need real life examples, applications and examples of principles. In order for them to learn the information, they need to remember the real life examples and pictures that were used.Lecture notes dont really help them because they didnt und erstand the concrete information from the beginning because it wasnt relevant to them. They do better on tests if they have a role play for the information and commit problems that are similar to the information. Kinesthetic learners need a visual aid so the information can be drawn out for them into smaller pieces. They tend to draw out the message rather than reading it out loud or writing it. The phrase picture is worth a thousand words is true for people who fall in this category.They need to see how everything is put together in order for them to gather the information. Comparison of Learning Styles The difference between all the learning strategies is the way you absorb information. Unlike reading, writing, and aural learners, kinesthetic learners have to visualize what they are being taught. Aural learners attain information by listening to lectures and discussions. Others can gain information by reading and writing the material. People like me are multimodal learners, meani ng that we cant just leg one way of learning.Conclusion Depending on the subject, I learn better reading and writing or an aural learner. Listening to information more than once helps me occupy the material better. I also have to take notes and read it aloud so I am able to grasp the material. This helps me learn the information faster and I perform well on tests. I would like to try gaining knowledge from visual aids and more hands on activities. My aim is to improve on my weaker areas which are visual learning style and practice strategies that will allow me to build up the weaker areas.

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